Our purpose
Our mission
Through commitment and constant progress, we ensure security and quality of life.
Our vision
We are building a customer-centric, flexible and sustainability-oriented insurance group.
Our values
We build relationships with care, integrity and respect.
We exceed customer expectations by our ongoing effort to make improvements and strengthen relationships.
We are active in relation to our natural and social environment.
Group members
In addition to the Slovenian market, we are present in Croatia, Serbia, North Macedonia, Montenegro and Kosovo. You can find more information on the map below, followed by details of all direct and indirect subsidiaries.
Click on a country to find out which Sava Insurance Group members are based there.
Sava Re
Company name: Sava Re d.d.
Registered office: Dunajska cesta 56, 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Principal activity: reinsurer
Holdings by other Group companies: /
Position in the Group: parent company
Contact: info@sava-re.si, +386 1 47 50 200
Website: www.sava-re.si
Zavarovalnica Sava
Company name: Zavarovalnica Sava d.d.
Registered office: Ulica Eve Lovše 7, 2000 Maribor, Slovenija
Principal activity: composite insurer
Holdings by other Group companies: Sava Re 100%
Position in the Group: direct subsidiary
Contact: info@zav-sava.si, +386 2 23 32 100
Website: www.zav-sava.si
Sava Pokojninska
Company name: Sava pokojninska družba d.d.
Registered office: Ulica Eve Lovše 7, 2000 Maribor, Slovenija
Principal activity: pension company
Holdings by other Group companies: Sava Re 100%
Position in the Group: direct subsidiary
Contact: info@sava-pokojninska.si, +386 2 22 97 400
Website: www.sava-pokojninska.si
Sava Infond
Company name: Sava Infond, družba za upravljanje, d.o.o.
Registered office: Ulica Eve Lovše 7, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia
Principal activity: investment fund asset management
Holdings by other Group companies: Sava Re 85%, Zavarovalnica Sava 15%
Position in the Group: direct subsidiary
Contact: info@infond.si, +386 2 22 97 440
Website: www.infond.si
ZS Svetovanje
Company name: ZS Svetovanje, storitve zavarovalnega zastopanja, d.o.o.
Registered office: Ulica Eve Lovše 7, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia
Principal activity: insurance agency
Holdings by other Group companies: Zavarovalnica Sava 100%
Position in the Group: indirect subsidiary
Contact: info@zs-svetovanje.si, 080 22 56, + 386 2 460 40 60
Website: www.zs-svetovanje.si
Company name: ASISTIM, klicni center, storitvene dejavnosti in vrednotenje, d.o.o.
Registered office: Ulica Eve Lovše 7, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia
Principal activity: activities of call centres
Holdings by other Group companies: ZS Svetovanje 100 %
Position in the Group: indirect subsidiary
Contact: ornatuskc@zav-sava.si
Website: /
TBS Team 24
Company name: TBS Team 24, podjetje za storitvene dejavnosti in trgovino, d.o.o.
Registered office: Ulica Eve Lovše 7, 2000 Maribor, Slovenija
Principal activity: assistance service and customer care
Holdings by other Group companies: Sava Re 90%
Position in the Group: direct subsidiary
Contact: office@tbs-team24.com, +386 2 618 23 01
Website: www.tbs-team24.com
Zavarovalnica Vita
Company name: Vita, življenjska zavarovalnica, d.d.
Registered office: Trg republike 3, 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Principal activity: life insurer
Holdings by other Group companies: Sava Re 100%
Position in the Group: direct subsidiary
Contact: info@zav-vita.si, +386 1 476 58 00
Website: www.zav-vita.si
Company name: Diagnostični center Bled d.o.o.
Registered office: Pod Skalo 4, 4260 Bled, Slovenia
Principal activity: hospital medical activity
Holdings by other Group companies: Sava Re 50%
Position in the Group: associate company
Contact: info@dc-bled.si, +386 4 579 80 00
Website: www.dc-bled.si
Sava Osiguranje – Croatian branch office
Company name: Sava Osiguranje d.d. – Croatian branch office
Registered office: R. Frangeša Mihanovića 9, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Principal activity: insurance
Holdings by other Group companies: Zavarovalnica Sava 100%
Position in the Group: branch office
Contact: info@sava-osiguranje.hr, +385 1 66 66 200
Website: www.sava-osiguranje.hr
Sava Neživotno Osiguranje (Serbia)
Company name: Sava Neživotno Osiguranje a.d.o.
Registered office: Bulevar vojvode Mišića 51, 11040 Belgrade, Serbia
Principal activity: non-life insurer
Holdings by other Group companies: Sava Re 100%
Position in the Group: direct subsidiary
Contact: info@sava-osiguranje.rs, +381 11 777 39 39
Website: www.sava-osiguranje.rs
Sava Životno Osiguranje (Serbia)
Company name: Sava Životno Osiguranje a.d.o.
Registered office: Bulevar vojvode Mišića 51, 11040 Belgrade, Serbia
Principal activity: life insurer
Holdings by other Group companies: Sava Re 100%
Position in the Group: direct subsidiary
Contact: info@sava-osiguranje.rs, +381 11 777 39 39
Website: www.sava-osiguranje.rs
ASP (Serbia)
Company name: Application Software Partner d.o.o.
Registered office: Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 17, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Principal activity: software development
Holdings by other Group companies: Sava Re 100%
Position in the Group: direct subsidiary
Contact: asp@asp.rs, +381 11 26 56 581
Website: www.asp.rs
Sava Car (Serbia)
Registered office: Braće Jerkovića 108A, 11040 Belgrade, Serbia
Principal activity: technical testing and analysis
Holdings by other Group companies: Sava Neživotno Osiguranje (Serbia) 100%
Position in the Group: indirect subsidiary
Contact: tehnicki.pregled@savacar.rs, +381 11 396 20 60
Website: www.savacar.rs
Sava Osiguranje (Montenegro)
Company name: Sava Osiguranje a.d.
Registered office: Ulica Svetlane Kane Radević br. 1, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro
Principal activity: non-life insurer
Holdings by other Group companies: Sava Re 100%
Position in the Group: direct subsidiary
Contact: info@sava.co.me, +382 (0) 20 40 30 20
Website: www.sava.co.me
Sava Car (Montenegro)
Company name: Društvo sa ograničenom odgovornošću – SAVA CAR – Podgorica
Registered office: Ulica Svetlane Kane Radević br. 1, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro
Principal activity: technical testing and analysis
Holdings by other Group companies: Sava Osiguranje (Montenegro) 100%
Position in the Group: indirect subsidiary
Contact: savacar@sava.co.me, +382 20 40 30 64
Website: www.sava.co.me/sava-car
Sava Agent (Montenegro)
Company name: Društvo za zastupanje u osiguranju "SAVA AGENT" d.o.o. – Podgorica
Registered office: Ulica Svetlane Kane Radević br. 1, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro
Principal activity: insurance agent & broker services
Holdings by other Group companies: Sava Osiguranje (Montenegro) 100%
Position in the Group: indirect subsidiary
Contact: sava.agent@sava.co.me, +382 20 23 42 63
Website: https://www.sava.co.me/me-me/sava-agent/
Illyria (Kosovo)
Company name: Illyria sh.a.
Registered office: Sheshi Nëna Terezë 33, 10000 Prishtina, Kosovo
Principal activity: non-life insurer
Holdings by other Group companies: Sava Re 100%
Position in the Group: direct subsidiary
Contact: info@illyriainsurance.com, +383 38 750 850
Website: www.illyriainsurance.com
Illyria Life (Kosovo)
Company name: Illyria Life sh.a
Registered office: Sheshi Nëna Terezë 33, 10000 Prishtina, Kosovo
Principal activity: life insurer
Holdings by other Group companies: Sava Re 100%
Position in the Group: direct subsidiary
Contact: info@illyrialife.com, +383 38 228 808
Website: www.illyrialife.com
Sava Osiguruvanje (North Macedonia)
Company name: Sava Osiguruvanje a.d., Skopje, North Macedonia
Registered office: Železnička 41, Opština Centar, PF 133, 1000 Skopje, North Macedonia
Principal activity: non-life insurer
Holdings by other Group companies: Sava Re 93.86%
Position in the Group: direct subsidiary
Contact: contact@sava.mk, +386 2 51 01 500
Website: https://mk.sava.insure/
Sava Penzisko (North Macedonia)
Company name: Sava Penzisko Društvo a.d.
Registered office: Dimche Mirchev br.20, 1000 Skopje, North Macedonia
Principal activity: pension fund management
Holdings by other Group companies: Sava Re 100%
Position in the Group: direct subsidiary
Contact: kontakt@sava-penzisko.mk, +389 2 51 00 285
Website: www.sava-penzisko.mk
Sava Station (North Macedonia)
Company name: Društvo za tehničko ispituvanje i analiza na motorni vozila SAVA STEJŠN DOOEL Skopje
Registered office: Železnička 41, Opština Centar, PF 133, 1000 Skopje, North Macedonia
Principal activity: technical testing and analysis
Holdings by other Group companies: Sava Osiguruvanje (North Macedonia) 100%
Position in the Group: indirect subsidiary
Contact: info@savastation.mk, +389 2 51 01 500
Website: https://mk.sava.insure/mk-mk/sava-station/
Vita S Holding (North Macedonia)
Company name: VITA S HOLDING DOO Skopje
Registered office: Ul. 50-ta Divizija br.24A, Skopje - opstina Centar, 1000 Skopje, North Macedonia
Principal activity: non-specialised wholesale trade
Holdings by other Group companies: Sava Re 80%
Position in the Group: direct subsidiary